Charming (the dog)

We would like to officially introduce you to our pup, Charming. Since we've been constantly talking about him on our livestreams we thought it was about time.


We started fostering Charming in June, thinking that we would be his temporary family while making sure that he was happy and healthy for his next family. Well, we accidentally fell in love with this funny little fella and knew we couldn't give him up. We officially adopted him from Encore Animal Rescue. ❤

He is 15 years old, still plays with toys like a puppy, tolerates a bit of adventure, and loves to cuddle up close to us when he naps.

If you remember our last sweet pup, Nadia, you probably know that we lost her very unexpectedly a little over a year ago. I always promised her that I would give her the best life I could up until she had reached a ripe old age. I didn't get to do that, but it feels like I am fulfilling my promise to her by giving Charming his encore. I am honored to be loving this little 15 year boy in his twilight years.

